My Story
One day I sat down to meditate with a specific question in mind. I was at a crossroads, wondering about the next step in my life. At that time I wasn't in the habit of asking for guidance so I wasn't actually expecting a response. But I heard quite clearly that I needed to go to healing school. "Really?" I asked, "You're sure about this?" Becoming a healer had never been a part of my plan....

But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. The "dots" were all there, I had just never connected them before. I grew up with a younger brother who had serious mental challenges (developmental delays and mental illness) and my close relationship with him led me to develop a strong sense of compassion and empathy. I had always pondered the deeper meaning of life, which led me to obtain an interdisciplinary degree in Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy. I had worked for many years in the social services field, which honed my ability to communicate easily with people from all walks of life, to listen fully and discern what was needed. And for many years I suffered from a variety of chronic illnesses, which created a strong commitment to improving my health and led me on an unexpected journey into the world of energy healing.
In my initial years of illness, "energy" was an alien concept. I was a firm believer in conventional medicine and tried every pill and procedure my doctors recommended. But Western medicine is admittedly at a loss when it comes to certain chronic conditions. So when my doctors told me that they had done all they could do and I would just have to "learn to live with it," I began to explore other options. I eventually stumbled upon energy work and the specific technique that assisted me in healing my chronic issues was Brennan Healing Science. It was not a fast process, but because it helped me get to the roots of my physical ailments, I not only saw great improvement in my physical health, but also in my emotional well-being, my mental perspective, my relationships, and my spiritual connection. While I was not completely "cured" my daily life improved immensely and I went from feeling completely debilitated by what I originally viewed as circumstances beyond my control to feeling empowered and transformed. My healing journey is one of several featured in a PBS documentary entitled Choosing Wisdom: The Path Through Adversity (and in a related book by the same name).
Once I made the decision to trust the guidance I received and enroll in the four-year program at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, I dove right in and soon realized that I had found my calling. This intensive training was one of the most challenging and amazing times of my life; the only thing that has been more rewarding is having my own professional healing practice and helping others as I have been helped. Since graduating from the Brennan School, I have continued on an awakening and healing path that has included ongoing training in VortexHealing® Energy Therapy (800+ hours), Metatronic Life & Healing, as well as meditation study and retreat with Adyashanti. I am also a graduate of a year-long facilitator training for Philip Shepherd's Embodied Presence Process based on his book Radical Wholeness.

On a more personal note, after a childhood of moving from state to state, I knew that I was finally "home" as soon as I saw the Blue Ridge Mountains and settled in the Charlottesville area in 1986. It was here that I met my husband, Dave, and the last 30+ years have been spent creating a joyful and fulfilling partnership with him. When not busy with healing work, I love hiking, cooking, music, reading, kayaking and traveling.
What clients are saying
What clients are saying
Oh so many thank yous! I can't tell you how many times you have come to mind since our session. I had wanted to find the time to let you know how much I appreciate your work and sharing. It is nice to be able to move forward with a sense of newness and support. So....thank you. Your work is lovely.
~M. W. Scottsville, VA